24/11 in the morning
I don't know the reason why I am starting to have a dream to be a teacher. My Mum is a teacher, and my Dad also is a teacher. Well, out of this, I love to be someone who can inspire people. And one of the way is become a teacher; you can deliver knowledge and the benefits is life long even till you are passed away. However, I just hope that I can be a good teacher. A big challenge for me to keep my students to keep their spirit, that education is a way to make you better.
Finally, thanks to all of my teachers and lectures, who brings me to be like this, now, and here. This is me, someone who wants to be A TEACHER.
24/11 at night
Going home... Finally. It's my third time this semester. I was surprised when I found so many snacks at home. Mum also wear a nice ring. Guess what? those all are from her students. So, the headmaster announced to the students about this and they were really enthusiastic and gave all they have. Hope they will happy for finding my Mum as their teacher, and I also hope can be like her.
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