
Total Tayangan Halaman

Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

Suriah... Do I Care?

Bismillah. Bloggie, I am still awake right now. My watch shows 02. 36 A.M. One of my best friends is getting sick in hospital, so I accompany her.

I’m not going to tell about her, since it’s really painful to know about it. Just pray for her to get well soon, okay?
So, this is what I’m gonna tell you.

It was the 5th day of May in my 2013. A community group called Forum Silaturrahim Lembaga Dakwah Kampus (FSLDK) in West Sumatra held sympathy action for our brothers and sisters in Suriah. It has been known (my bad, unfortunately not all of Muslim know about this fact) that they have been treated and killed there.
Every campus should prepare some maneuver to succeed it. So, beside serving poster, we also make veil pins.

Then, everybody prepared...
Here some pictures that I took from Islamedia.

At the end, the head committee said that the flags we hold were the wrong one.
Oops. So, then I check it out and got a brief history about this.

I just feel that how deep is my love to them if I don’t recognize them at all. It also happens to other case. Like in Gaza, Rohingya, Moro, or in the other place. So, do I really care. This question always spoken out in my mind. DO I REALLY CARE?
The same case is in our love to Nabi Muhammad SAW. Do you know about him so much. Maybe I will think out of Sirah Nabawiyah again if for some questions about him, I don’t ever give true answers. How he will admit me as his followers L
The same case is also happen for me for not knowing the real face of my roommates’ felling, or my younger sisters, or my friends, or my neighbours, or even it’s YOU. I really have to say I’m really sorry.
Benarlah apa yang dibilang Rasul bahwa kita belum sempurna beriman sampai kita mencintai sesuatu untuk saudara kita, sama seperti apa yang kita cintai untuk diri kita.
It’s 03.00 A.M now. I still have to wake up.
My heart also have, too.

Minggu, 12 Mei 2013

Berkaca. Sudah Cantikkah Keimanan Kita?


Akhir-akhir ini saya jadi banyak mendapat nasihat terbaik dari Allah, berupa meninggalnya orang-orang yang saya kenal, ada adik-adik junior yang usianya masih ‘muda’ dan juga salah seorang ustadz tersohor di negeri ini.

Kira-kira saat Allah menghadap kita nanti, apa yang sudah kita persiapkan?

Beberapa minggu lalu berjumpa dengan salah seorang Uni yang menurutku keren sekali, insyaallah ini bukan figuritas. Hehe. Tapi memang ketika berada di dekat orang yang keimanannya bagus, rasanya masyaallah sekali.

Beliau bercerita pada saya tentang nikmatnya memiliki keimanan yang terus dijaga dengan ikhtiar diri di tengah terpaan arus akhir zaman yang sangat membuat kita harus kuat berpegang pada yang Maha Kokoh dan Maha Abadi. Allah saja.
Betapa banyak orang-orang yang tersaring di jalan ini.

Banyak yang muslim, sedikit yang beriman
Diantara yang beriman, sedikit yang beramal
Dari yang beramal, ada sedikit yang berdakwah
Dari yang berdakwah, sedikit yang bersabar
Dari sedikit yang bersabar, sedikit yang bertahan sampai ke akhir perjuangan...

Sejatinya kita manusia memiliki dua hal sebagai wujud ekspresi keimanan kita. 
Pertama, bagaimana kita bisa menjalankan ketaatan dan kewajiban kita sebagai hamba-Nya Allah. Bagaimana kita bisa bertahan untuk istiqamah menjalankan shalat wajib, bangun diantara orang-orang yang masih tertidur di tengah dinginnya malam dan lainnya.
Kedua, kekuatan untuk melawan musuh dan goodaan.
Jadi, kita harus punya keimanan sebagai power untuk aksi ini, yang didapatkan dari ibadah-ibadah kita setiap hari. Maka, para salafus shalih memiliki amalan unggulan mereka masing-masing. Kira-kira, amalan saya sudah cantikkah? Apa yang bisa saya berikan untuk membahagiakan dan mengagungkan-Nya?    

Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

Young Married? Hm... :D

Assalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullah, bloogie cakep!

Dah lama rasanya tak bersih-bersih rumah ini. Saatnya memperbaiki perabotan yang dah lama ditinggalkan. Hehe. Postingan kali ini sepertinya agak controversial di kalangan tertentu. However, I dare to expose this in order to take a mercy of Him. It’s extremely much better than ‘being a couple before married’. Oops...

Well, I’d like to introduce this halal couple. Pertama kali bertemu mereka lewat layar facebook. Ustadz Dede said that there are three functions of social media. Pertama, DAKWAH dunk. Niatkan semuanya hanya karena Allah semata. Ya lah, kalau ada niat lain-lain, bisa gak aman dunia akhirat... Kedua, SILATURRAHIM, alias menyambung tali persaudaraan dengan saudara seiman. Tapi yang kayak gini mesti hati-hati, ada yang malah nyuri kesempatan yang gak bener. Kasus Brekele yang sampai bisa ngebunuh beberapa wanita bakalan bikin kita bergidik ngeri dan harus berhati-hati, apalagi masalah hati. Ketiga, sosial media itu berguna buat USAHA alias perniagaan. Nah, kamu yang punya bakat wirausaha bisa dagang via online, asal tetap sesuai syar’i.
Balik lagi, nama muslim yang satu ini: Muhammad Saddam Jamaludin Sa, bisa di cek alamat fbnya disini:

Saya baca tulisannya, awalnya biasa aja, saya pikir seperti tulisan kebanyakan, karena memakai bahasa Inggris kali ya.

A day as husband and wife –

Today is one of the most wonderful day in my life, though everyday was very nice and pretty, but one big different that changed me is , Allah swt fortunate me with an angel , my dearly wife.
Its been almost 7 months we’ve been married, and about 6 month I left her in Malaysia ; im taking medical courses in Alexandria University in Egypt, and I still got 3 years left, and now , I got a whole semester of holidays , and Im taking this opportunity and responsibility to be with her, yes her, my angel
We’ve have moved on to Puncak Alam, about 20 kilometres from UiTM Shah Alam , the place was a suburban, really calm and beautiful, and most cheerful, every morning, we could see a signboard saying “ Awas, Tapir Melintas Jalan “ , and in my mind like , lol a Tapir in Puncak Alam :)
Dear my muslim brothers and dear muslimah sisters,
Our first day as a family , as husband and wife ( before this , both of us stay with our parents , though we’re married T_T” ) in our new house, my wife would wake up early at 5 a.m as I could remember or earlier, she’ll wake me up too, and pleasantly and pleasurably going for the Tahajud prayers, it’s a very calm morning and she’ll decorate me a cup of Milo and some breakfast before I’m going to Fajr Prayer
Oh Allah swt, throughout my life, I’ve never felt this awesome and energetic feeling , its so enthusiastic , and returning home from the nearby Surau after the prayer, I would knock the door and open it with “ Assalamu’alaikum wahai bidadari syurga (peace upon you oh the angel of heaven) “, and the way she smiled, you guys will never imagine , the harmonios art of God , and I kept that divine word every day on entering our home
For our groceries, both of us still lacks experience in cooking , well that’s not a big deal, its not a defect , practices make perfect, so we spent couple of hundreds ringgit in groceries, chocholates , and fruits. Now I know, how a “taugeh” looks really nice in shape, the freshing smells of “ikan masin (salted fish ) and the most chilling voice of makcik screaming “ ikan ikan satu kilo enam ringgit ( come, fish for six ringgits ) , my wife still looks beautiful in her niqab/hijab , I love to see her in her appearance, her beauty radiates the shopping mall
For our evenings, we took a ride in the garden, how romantic we were, there was a beautiful lake, childrens running and playing with each others, and another families also taking a walk in the garden. On that time, I whispered to my angel , our babies will be cute and adorable like her, she smiled, we are not planning to have children by now , maybe a couple of years later, InsyaAllah ( God’s will )
And for the last part of our day session was the night, after returning from the Surau for Isya’ prayer , my wife prepared me a simple dish yet really pleasantly delicious and stuffed me for a whole night, she presented me my favourite “ Tom Yam Ayam “ dishes , we put the dishes on a small table in front of the television, and the first food entered my mouth was from her hand, gently. I would say, she is an angel, and it wasn’t a mistake in my life to choose early marriage as an option. It’s not a good option , but the best!

Well, I never wrote an article in English, today is Monday, and my wife and I is on a game, which is to have a fully day of English on Monday and Thursday, well, we could learn some new vocabs and fluently talk in English. I enjoyed this game so much because, everytime one of us that talk non-english words, we will be punished to kiss on the cheeks. Hihi.

Tomorrow is Tuesday, and we will talk in Terengganu’s accent, waiting that tomorrow to come fast!
Early marriage is so much fun guys! Oh dear my Muslim brothers and sister, If u guys found already your partner, I would advise, PLEASE NO COUPLE AND DATING , YES TO MARRIAGE,
I already spent 3 years of coupling with a girl before and it was a big mistake and such waste of money and lots of sins but by marriage, a day passes like a thousand of years , lovely and charm
Good luck , never gave up, the more you try to gain the truth, the more Allah swt will help you , amiin, furthermore, if you guys still worry about "where to find money" or " how to gain more income ", may this verse from quran relieves you, it totaly worked for me
"...And marry the unmarried among you and the righteous among your male slaves and female slaves. If they should be poor, Allah will enrich them from His bounty, and Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing..."
Surah An-Nur : verse 32

*Oh and I forget to tell, both of us just only 21 years old :)

And you know what, tulisan ini baru diposting tanggal 18 Maret lalu, which is means that they are really young for married. However, kalau sudah punya persiapan dari semua hal, insyaallah semua jadi berkah. Selama itu diniatkan meraih ridha Allah, menurut  kamu baik-baik aja, kan?
Jangan sampai pemikiran orang-orang liberal menjadikan kita tertipu. You know, kita seperti tak kenal lagi bagaimana Islam sesungguhnya, sehingga anti dengan agama itu sendiri. Tidak kenal dengan ajarannya, hanya dengar banyak orang bicara, ikut-ikutan, lantas binasa...
Wallahu a’lam bis shawab.

Anyway, kalo bingung bahasa Inggrisnya, selamat berjuang. That’s a real training. Ada yang request diajarin bahasa ini, kan? Nah, belajar dari bahan otentik saja :D

Padang, May 10th, 2013